BrowserSync is an Open Source project that keeps multiple browser instances in sync.
I've downloaded it and tested it. It has some problems, but it mainly works as advertised. And it can do a bunch of thing that an awesome environment would need to do.
First: the main idea. BrowerSync captures events from each browser that's displaying data from a site that it serves, and forwards those events to other browsers looking at the same site. Even better, the BrowserSync server can proxy another server, including one serving pages by https.
Here's a review of some competing technologies by Addy Osmani, and his review of BrowserSync or browser-sync (github) and site.
I started by installing browser-sync
npm install -g browser-sync
I started by testing it with a polymer/firebase project. I cd's into the directory and ran:
$firebase serve
That gave:
Starting Firebase development server...
Project Directory: /home/mwolf/tools/prog-with-papa
Public Directory: dist
Server listening at: http://localhost:5000
In another console, I run browser-sync in proxy mode:
browser-sync start -p http://localhost:5000
That gives:
[BS] Proxying: http://localhost:5000
[BS] Access URLs:
Local: http://localhost:3000
UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External:
And pops open a window on http://localhost:3000
I opened an incognito window and went to the same URL. Sure enough, clicking on menu selections in one made the same changes happen in the other. One of the pages had a text box. Entering text in one entered it in the other. But scrolling the form did not sync! I also tested it using my phone and the external port. Worked fine.
Next test. I proxy a site on the web.
browser-sync start -p
Next test. I proxy a site on the web. Works fine, including navigation within the site and scrolling. So maybe the scrolling problem has something to do with Polymer?
Then I proxy the site using https. I get:
[BS] Proxying:
[BS] Access URLs:
Local: https://localhost:3000
UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External:
Again, it works as hoped for.
Will it work for google?
browser-sync start -p
Opens a browser, but tells me that there's a security problem: the site doesn't have a correct SSL certificate. I approve it as an exception, and it works!
I try with facebook. Facebook lets me get public content, but its security protocols won't let me log in. I assume that the same thing will happen with any site withy good security.
So BrowserSync does some of the things that I want it to do. Others, like bypassing security, are probably impossible by any means.
Couple this with Chrome Plugins, and I may be able to do some of the hacking that I want to do.
At the heart of browser-sync is its ability to capture events and forward them. On the road to discovery, I found the following resources:
HTMLGoodies Advanced Javascript event handling
Comparison of Ghostlab and BrowserSync
EventTarget.addEventListener at MDN, defines the basic procedure for handling events. By overriding EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener you can capture events for all targets, and do funky things with them.
An article about event capture on by one of the authors of GhostLab. The article includes links to several CodePen examples for capture.
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