Friday, June 20, 2014

Javascript diagramming libraries

Here's a simple UML diagram renderer:

JointJS is a javascript diagramming tool that scales from simple diagrams to diagramming User Interfaces.  And the demo site, with tutorials and documentation is here:

Wow! It's nicely designed. Elements are SVG which makes them render beautifully--and they are based on CSS as well, so all the flexibility that's built into a browser is automagically built in to your diagrams.

Also check out this color picker:

Monday, June 16, 2014

Ideal Scene, Part I

What I want to produce is part of the World's Most Awesome Development environment.

What would such an environment entail. I wrote a bunch of it up a while ago, and I probably could find it if I searched, but I'm not going to. Instead I'm going to create it newly. And I'm going to try to create it in order.

First: I'd want the project to always be in a known state. That means there are tests, and the tests ae run regularly and there's a visible report of the tests results.

Just passing tests does not tell me where the project is. I need to know how much of the code is being tested. But I don't think that I should have 100% test coverage. Some tests are not worth writing. So there needs to be a way of identifying what parts of an application need to be tested and what parts do not, and then to identify the coverage based on that.

There also needs to be a way to measure the size of the application. SLOC, number of tests, and so on.

Finally, the presentation of this data has to be very straighforward. It has to tell me something that I want to know.

Second: I'd want to know how the project is changing. To that end, I want not just position data, but velocity as well. Are requirements being added now at the same rate as earlier. Are the being added more quickly.

Third: I want my development cycles to be exceptionally short and blindingly fast. Ideally I'd like each line of code to be its own development cycle.

How I get there is another problem.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Inside out development

Building a new server component I realized I was going about it the wrong way.
Long ago I learned that only a small percentage of a program's code actually does work. The rest of it is configuration, validation, housekeeping, error recovery and the like.
And that's how I started developing my component: reading configuration files, setting up housekeeping. It was a long, discouraging slog because there always are bugs. Always are, and always will be.
Hours into the process I realized that I needed to start with the core: the small number of lines that actually do work.
The component's job is to return some data. I wrote a spec and a test for that code.
The spec is written in mocha. Here's the outline.

It uses a utility functionsetupServers to set up the server and messagePromise to send and test messages using Promises

  before ->  setupServers(<args>)
  it "provides the state of the networks and services", ->
      send: type: <data>
      expect: type: <data>
Then I wrote the code to return some dummy data. It took a couple of lines. A few tweaks, it ran, and I checked it in.
router.on <message>, (message)=>
      router.sendInfo <response>, <data>
That's not the end of the story, though. Working on the test in a test file and the code in the server file is inefficient. We want to do it a different way.

Gulp Plumber

Maybe a way to handle Gulp errors more easily:

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Build and test with exceptions

Everything in the system should be built and tested by default.
Sometimes there are good reasons to turn off a build or a test step. The danger is that something gets turned off and does not get turned back on.
So all exceptions to the system’s normal operation should be in a single location. Let’s call it exceptions.cson. The file might look something like this:
        exceptions: ["glob"...."glob"]
That means that every build and test step has to be guarded. For gulp we can add optional !globs to the gulp.src statement.